Ashton McDonald
Ashton was raised in First Congregational Church Salt Lake City. His grandparents made sure he had a relationship with Christ while he was young despite his turbulent upbringing. Eventually he walked away from God for a time and faced a great deal of hardship. When he made it back to Jesus, he experienced a miraculous transformation, and the Spirit he received in his childhood was awakened in a profound way.
Shortly after this he was called into ministry, and began schooling. Allowing God to lead, he got exceptional grades and learned the things that an effective minister needs. He also has extensive experience with preaching for churches in need of temporary preachers.

At First Congregational Church our Mission is to help Grow the Family of God. We lean into Jesus who leads us to Worship & Grow, Serve & Go.
The church has been integral to the community of Emporia since 1857. And, while the church celebrates a long history of mission in Emporia and around the world, we seek to honor God's call for this Century.
Our Worship is focused on inviting people into the presence of God.
Our mission leads us to feed the hungry--in both body and spirit so that we all may Grow in our knowledge of Jesus and act on His Word--the Bible.
We want to Serve the community such that the Name of Jesus and His work to save us and grow us is crystal clear. That Name empowers us to Go and share the Good News of the Gospel.
We are affiliated with like-minded Congregational Christians in the Conservative Congregational Christian Conference (4Cs) and the National Association of Congregational Christian Churches.