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Outreach Ministries of First Congregational Church

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The Baby Closet
Serving Lyon, Chase, Morris, Wabaunsee, Coffey, Osage & Greenwood County families of infants through 5 years old with basic necessities: clothing, diapers & wipes, formula, food, toys.  Open every Tuesday 10am-noon; and Thursday 3-5:30pm. Everything is free.  No requirements other than must be parent or guardian who shops.

Salvation Army
The Salvation Army is a major Christian denomination that draws support from a wide array of churches and individuals. They provide a variety of social services to help people in need in the community, including food, disaster relief, and other emergency forms of assistance. 

Emporia Rescue Mission 
Started in 1998, ERM provides free housing for men and a community food offering. The men's shelter, located at 1236 E. 12th, has the capacity to house 15 men, and has 3 programs available to assist with needs. Abundant Harvest, 1028 Whittier Street, provides a curbside evening meal Monday & Wednesday 4:00-4:30pm. Boxed food is offered Monday - Friday, 5:00 -7:00am when food is available and again at 8:30am when available.

For more information, contact 620-342-7439 or email:

Spartan Stop
Emporia High School assists students living on their own without family support. The Spartan Stop, a private pantry that will ​provide food, personal hygiene products, some clothing, showers, and access to laundry facilities for students lacking those supports outside of school.  The project extends services offered through the Student and Family Resources Office at Mary Herbert Education Center.  It also supplements the Food for Students Program, which provide food for students on weekends and school breaks.

Heather Wagner, Student and Family Resource specialist for the district, works to acquire the needed items and arrange for long-term financial support through grants and donations. Protocols are established to assure confidentiality for students who need assistance. Students are referred to the services by staff members and through the enrollment process.  Anyone who is interested in learning more about the Spartan Stop or making a donation can contact Wagner at 341-2392.

Lyon County Restricted Emergency Fund (LCREF)  is a 501C(3) public charitable organization founded in 1988 (approximate date), for the purpose of providing emergency assistance to residents of Lyon County.  This non-profit organization receives funding from United Way and public donation, designed to be a safety net for our community members, which help people with their basic needs when they are facing a crisis. LCREF is administered through the Salvation Army, and is supported by other local churches. Most of the funds are used to help keep families in their homes - covering costs like rent, utility bills, and related expenses.

Love Worth Sharing - Haiti

Love Worth Sharing International is a non-profit Christian organization dedicated to reaching the country of Haiti with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They minister to the body, mind and soul through Bible Camps, Feeding Programs, and Medical Clinics. The mission has implemented a program to rescue and minister to abandoned children living on the streets of Haiti. Life skill training programs are provided through summer camp programs which include, music lessons, cooking skills, soap making and a craft program which teaches the children to make sandals, bracelets and necklaces that they can sell to help provide their families with financial support. Serving the Lord Jesus Christ in Haiti since 1998.

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